35 Day Detox



Chakra cleansing using food & diet “Mom was right when she said eat your vegetables”, and now we know why! As left-field as it may initially sound our unseen energy points – CHAKRAS – benefit from cleansing using the physical act of eating a variety of foods.  Your body is the physical manifestation of what …

Eating the Rainbow to Heal Chakras Read More »

It’s my pleasure to offer a series of classes that you can do AT HOME. Whether you have done yoga before, or not, these are a great place to start. Each session is designed to help lift your mood, energize the body; and start a conversation between your mind and your body. I’ve been teaching …

AT HOME yoga classes Read More »

Restrictions have been given the softer title of lockdowns and are now part of our everyday vocabulary. In many ways we have always lived with the concept of restriction. Society functions with rules and regulations, as do family units. At a personal level we don’t consider that we have infinite possibilities – our brain has …

Survival tips for thriving in LOCKDOWNS Read More »

We are only as strong as our weakest link Because the 35 Day Detox uses a holistic approach (incorporating the principles of yoga), it will be the best detox cleanse for your overall health and well-being. Generally we know that it is one part that is letting us down. For example food choices, or a …

Is the 35 Day Detox the best detox cleanse for you? Read More »

Truth is “we don’t know what we don’t know” During my 30’s and 40’s I wasn’t seeking a better life. I felt I had a great life. I had an exciting job, was traveling extensively, and in a stable relationship. Perhaps now that I look back what I was looking for was a “guide-book on …

7 truths I wish I had known earlier Read More »

Yay it’s Soup Season With the change of season comes a change of diet.  Our bodies take time to adjust – and soups are the perfect in-between option – helping us transition from Summer/light to Winter/heavy. April/Aries 2019 Forecast Lunar Energies Friday’s new moon is in Aries (the first sign of the zodiac).  We say …

One thing is for sure – change is the name of the game 😊 Read More »

Stay with me on this one as I think it will make a lot of sense. Chiron Chiron is a minor planet and is better known as the “wounded healer”.  Remember the story of Achilles and his heel (that he could only heal by healing others).  Anyway this story is about Chiron’s move next week …

Chiron in Aries FROM 2018 – 2027 Read More »

The wind is at your back February 5/6th marks the new moon in Aquarius.  This is an important time for finalising your plans for 2019.  January’s eclipses made it difficult to get traction, now we have that behind us (and all the planets moving forward).  So set goals, plan, and begin to execute them.  Chinese …

What’s with the slow (and rocky) start to 2019? Read More »

Ulpotha Yoga and Ayuveda Retreat Back in 2011 I was one stressed out corporate executive, ready for change, and with no idea how to go about it.  Ulpotha was in my news feed but I couldn’t make it my reality.  Fast-forward 7 years of learning and teaching Yoga, and exploring it’s sister science Ayurveda, and finally …

Learnings from my Sri Lankan Yoga and Ayurveda Retreat Read More »

Uranus is in retrograde back to Aries (Nov 6, 2018 – March 6, 2019) Uranus is the planet that challenges the status quo, it brings up rebellion, innovation, and/or social reform.  Since 2011 it has been moving through the astrological sign of Aries. Take a journey back to 2011.  What were you thinking then?  Where …

Uranus RETROGRADE in Aries 2018/19 Read More »

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