Physical Fitness
Make it a priority to be fit and healthy

Are you happy with your current level of fitness?
As we all know, fitness and exercise is important for our health and well-being. But it’s easy for illness, injury and the pressures of day to day life make daily exercise a challenge. We provide guidance on the right exercises to help improve your health and life.
Safely improve your level of fitness
At 35 Day Detox we support your fitness goals
My program will help you if you are coming back to fitness after injury. The program includes gentle physical exercises along with traditional yoga poses. If you are short of time, it can be hard to exercise. But we help you make fitness a priority and get fit again!
As we age our bodies store emotional energy which can show up as pain and stress. Our easy to follow program works to release these energy blocks and tension. With a simple 5-10-minute in-home yoga session in the morning and the evening, it’s easy to fit our detox program into your busy day!
Nobody knows your body better than you do! We show you how to connect your body and mind. You will learn how to interpret what you need and be your own coach. Best of all, this self-confidence flows into other areas of your life! You learn when to go ‘all in’ and when you should take it easy.  Â
Weight loss is the fantastic spin-off that comes from improving your fitness. Not only that but being more mindful and resilient allows you to address stuck patterns in your life. Especially food choices and eating habits.

My 35 Day Detox Challenge will help you make small steps to improve your level of fitness. We focus on strength, mobility, and balance. But fitness is only a small part of the program. We teach you how to listen to your body and connect with your mind for increased wellbeing. Best of all, you’ll feel back in control of your long-term health.

Let's get you started
Discover The Challenge today

The Challenge
The signature 35 Day Detox program
Join my 35 Day journey that begins when you feel that you are ready. Learn to master the 7 Principles and reconnect with your Mind, Body and Soul. Featuring over 35 lessons on my eLearning platform in addition to dozens of videos and PDF Downloads. This is the all natural detox cleanse that you deserve.
You will also receive an exclusive 1-2-1 consultation with me to guide you on your 35 day journey.
Where are we
Find us in Raumati, Wellington New Zealand
Book your session
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+64 21 0277 5531
Call for your FREE consultation!
68 The Esplanade
Raumati South, New Zealand