Stay with me on this one as I think it will make a lot of sense.
Chiron is a minor planet and is better known as the “wounded healer”. Remember the story of Achilles and his heel (that he could only heal by healing others).
Anyway this story is about Chiron’s move next week from Pisces (the last sign of the zodiac) to Aries (the first). It takes Chiron approx 50 years to make it’s way around all the 12 signs. So most of us will not recall when it was in Aries before.
We will however have felt the last 9 years (since 2010) as we have been in the depths of a wake-up call for the state of the planet, and with a rising level of collective consciousness (very much a Pisces vibe). The good news is that this phase is almost done. And boy have we all felt the transit in the last few weeks. Those eclipses have really knocked us to stay the course and step out of our past.
Aries is the first sign on the zodiac and very personal in nature, now here we can take charge of a situation and get things done. Last April Chiron was briefly in this sign. Some of us will have felt the “wound” come up already in questions along the lines of our self-worth, our right to be here, issues of shame, and our ability to make a difference. Does this sound familiar!?
The answer is not to follow the past, or others, but to celebrate our unique skills and perspective. We need to give ourselves permission to be true to ourselves, and as we heal ourselves so to the planet will follow. We have plenty of time as Chiron will be in Aries until 2027.
If you have any question re this, or anything else we are doing at 35 Day Detox, please comment below. We would be happy to help. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive these messages at the relevant times. Thank you.
This article is not intended to be an in-depth astrology report. There are plenty of those online (with much more detail). This is more a chance to put the changes in perspective, and give intention to all the possibilities as this shift occurs.
Copyright © 35 Day Detox Ltd 2019
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