Safety while doing yoga poses is critical, so we are introducing a new “how to do yoga” series.
An important part of prioritising your health and wellbeing is a regular yoga practice. To support this goal here is a series of videos that explain the important cues and alignments.
From Suz:
“Have you ever heard Yoga Teachers giving cues to get students into and out of a particular pose?
By the time we have mentioned feet and hand positions, core engagement and eye gaze you are ready to move on. And then comes the instruction to “breathe” 😂
It’s my pleasure to bring together this playlist of the yoga poses I use in class, complete with the cues to get into and out of the pose safely. These are not the advanced poses, they are the everyday movements that keep extending your body’s capabilities. They provide the bedrock of a sustainable practice that will lead to improved health and wellbeing.
Yoga - how to do Gate Pose
Yoga - how to do Mountain Pose
Yoga - how to do Reclined Butterfly Pose
Yoga - how to do Sage Pose (variation for shoulder stretch)
Yoga - how to do Forearm Plank Pose
Yoga - how to do Puppy Pose
Yoga - how to do Tiger Pose
Yoga - how to do Extended Child’s Pose with Side Stretches
Yoga - how to do Forward Fold Pose
Yoga - how to do Thread the Needle Pose
Yoga - how to do Head beyond Knee Pose
Yoga - how to do Child’s Pose
Yoga - how to do Seated Half Spinal Twist Pose
Yoga - how to do Butterfly Pose
Yoga - how to do Kneeling Hip Releases
INTRODUCING our new online program “Learn YOGA for Health and Wellbeing”. If you are interesting in creating your own home practice – or deepening the understanding of what you are already doing in class – then we have the perfect place to start. It’s where yoga sessions meet yoga teacher training. A six week course to get you started with the fundamentals, which will create and safe and sustainable yoga for you.