Eating the Rainbow to Heal Chakras

Suz Stokes

Suz Stokes

Founder of the 35 Day Detox.

Eating the Rainbow to Heal Chakras

eat the rainbow food

Chakra cleansing using food & diet

“Mom was right when she said eat your vegetables”, and now we know why!

As left-field as it may initially sound our unseen energy points – CHAKRAS – benefit from cleansing using the physical act of eating a variety of foods.  Your body is the physical manifestation of what you consume. It may be a struggle to stop negative thoughts sounding your food choices, so let’s go for a body hack and change foods based on the rainbow. Why the rainbow? Because it has the same color spectrum as the chakras, and color has a specific frequency that helps to support the cleansing of that area of the body.

When you are feeling run down, low in confidence, overworked or defeated then reach for fruits and vegetables before sugar, caffeine, or processed foods. A top tip is to have the healthy food first, and then if you still need the less-healthy have it. After a day or two you will be amazed at how you become stronger and more determined in your desire for healthy foods.  This is one way to raise your energetic vibration.

Check out the recipe section for foods to heal. The recipes of the 35 Day Detox are each designed to support food to heal, and Chakra cleansing is an important part of bringing your body and mind into alignment.

Red and the 1st Chakra

  • The 1st Chakra is called the root chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It aids survival by overcoming fear.
  • Red fruit and vegetables help ground us in the physical and provide feelings of safety and security.
  • The red color contains phytochemicals generally thought to help plants thrive or thwart competitors, predators, or pathogens.
  • Eat Beetroot to supercharge healing this energy centre.

Orange and the 2nd Chakra

  • The 2nd Chakra is located below the navel. It is associated with all things emotional.
  • Orange fruit and vegetables are packed with carotenoids which absorb light energy and protect.
  • Eat Carrots to connect with this energy in a balanced way, and Oranges to aid healing.

Yellow and the 3rd Chakra

  • The 3rd Chakra is located at the solar plexus. It is rules power and will.
  • Yellow fruit and vegetables are generally backed with Vitamin C, strengthening our immunity.
  • Eat Lemons and Ginger to boost with this energy and fire up your digestive system.

Green and the 4th Chakra

  • Leafy Greens and the Heart Chakra. Who hasn’t experienced heart-break – and who doesn’t need more leafy greens in their diet?
  • Green fruits and vegetables contain chlorophyll, which is loaded with the antioxidant power that promotes well-being.
  • Eat a wide variety of Leafy Greens to detoxify the body of grief.

Blue and the 5th Chakra

  • The 5th Chakra is located at the throat. It relates to our ability to communicate.
  • Blue and Purple fruits and vegetables have high levels of resveratrol, used by plants in response to attack or injury.
  • How often do we feel a sore throat coming on when we hold ourselves back?
  • Eat Blueberries to express yourself. Learn to always speak the truth.

Purple and the 6th Chakra

  • The 6th Chakra is located at the “third eye”. It relates to our intuitive thoughts.
  • Blue and Purple fruits and vegetables are the game-changer here too.
  • Maybe drink Red Wine in moderation. It’s all about perspective and balance after-all.

White and the 7th Chakra

  • The 7th Chakra is located at the crown of the head and connects us to the Universe.
  • White is not a color per se. It is all colors together. 
  • Eat Cauliflower for it’s anti-inflammatory properties and Potato for comfort.


Have your noticed the correlation between what you are craving and how you are feeling? Leave us a comment below if this resonates with you!


First Published September 2019

Copyright © 35 Day Detox Ltd 2019

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the author.
Disclaimer:  All information contained here is for informational purposes only.

Suz Stokes

Suz Stokes

Founder of the 35 Day Detox.

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