The wind is at your back
February 5/6th marks the new moon in Aquarius. This is an important time for finalising your plans for 2019. January’s eclipses made it difficult to get traction, now we have that behind us (and all the planets moving forward). So set goals, plan, and begin to execute them.
Chinese New Year – Year of the Pig
The Pig is the 12th sign of the Chinese Zodiac. As it signals the end of the cycle we may find ourselves reviewing recent progress and considering new directions for next year (2020) and the 9-12 years beyond. This coincides with the big shifts of Uranus and Chiron (in Western Astrology).
Whether you believe or not – it’s good advice. Consider what worked last year (more of that), and what is missing from your life. Changes take time to come about – and this time of year is perfect for that long-term strategic thinking.
Whilst we are in contemplation mode we can clear out what no longer serves us. Chinese tradition gives value to clearing and cleaning the home before the new moon. And here at 35 Day Detox we use that principle to ensure we are not carrying the baggage of the past into any new cycle.
Sweep paths and front entrances to allow the Chi to flow!
Expanded offerings at 35 Day Detox
It’s a new year and a new stage in the life of our company. Expect to see more opportunity for online interactions, as well as local events, and collaborations.
We like to think of it as a slow evolution – and to a large degree driven by what you want to see (and participate more in)!
Thank you so much to those who took the time to complete the questionnaire we sent, if you have not yet had a chance to do it, please feel free to complete it here
If you’re unsure how the 35 Day Detox will benefit – you can check out the updated description here
I know sometimes we just have a burning question and want to talk someone straight away, that’s perfectly normal, please reply to this email as we are always happy to listen, and support you.
Now is always the best time to take action.
Plank Yoga Challenge
Core strength is a very important part of our ability to cope with whatever life throws at us. Directly linked to the Third Chakra (our sense of self), as we build strength here we learn to stand in our power.
It’s on the website to download now.
It’s very interesting to see the NZ Government’s recent release regarding “well-being” as a measure of success. Finally a shift towards a holistic approach to life – just what we think and say here at 35 Day Detox!
“The Living Standards Framework (LSF) looks across the human, social, natural and financial/physical aspects of those things that affect our wellbeing – the ‘four capitals’.” Source The Treasury 2018
How about getting together a group in your organisation and doing one of the online challenges? Everything starts with the individual and radiates out to the community, and besides these things are more fun together.
We hope you have a great Chinese New Year. If you have any questions about the content of this newsletter or our products and services please send us an email reply.