At the core of the 35 Day Detox is the Lunar Cycle
From our perspective on Earth each 29.5 days our Moon completes her lunar cycle. This cycle could be considered the dance between the Moon and the Sun, each has its moment to shine, with balance being the ultimate goal. In this context we read the Moon as our feminine energy and the Sun as the masculine energy. We have both within ourselves. The Yin and Yang. The part of us the “passive/receptive/being” and the part that is “action/doing”. We need both to function optimally. Too Yin and you don’t get off the couch, too Yang and you burn-out.
This is Lunar Astrology, and the natural rhythm of life we seek to tap into.
Moon Cycle
The four main points (phases) of the lunar cycle are approximately a week apart – our western calendar is not aligned with the actual phases.
- new moon
- first quarter
- second quarter (aka full moon)
- third quarter (aka last quarter)
A further 4 mid-points between these main points are not covered here.
The Moon represents the feminine (receptive, yin) and the Sun represents the masculine (action, yang). Taking Earth to represent the Human (physical body) we can see the dynamics of the lunar cycle unfold. First the Earth completely blocks the Sun from the Moon; we are in the dark about what is causing our actions. Then by the full moon the full reflection of the Sun is on the Moon and beaming towards us. That which was previously hidden becomes known and we can process and release it. Lastly the Earth once again steps between and we sink back into the unknown, changed, but ready to evolve.
New Moon

The actual day of the new moon marks the beginning point of the new cycle. It comes with some news that makes you re-evaluate the month ahead. Think of being dealt a new hand of cards. Don’t carry the old hand forward, ditch it and start afresh. In the days following there is a rising of energy and a chance to do something different, break free of a routine or habit.
Rituals: Throw away (or turn the page) or your intention/action list. Sweep the front entrance and clear the energy from your home.
First Quarter
The first quarter is the mid-point between new and full moon. It is a time when energy is still building. If you haven’t started a task that you intended, then expect a kick (in the form of synchronicity) to get you moving. You can also be tested for your commitment to the changes you have initiated. Recognise it as just a test and pass with flying colours.
Full Moon
Approximately two weeks after the new moon will be the full moon. That’s the peak energy point of the cycle and can be an emotional time for approximately 2 – 3 days. This especially true as we have been actively working to release stuff that no longer serves us.
Rituals: Sleep with the curtains open to allow the moonlight to bath you, this will bring you more in tune with the natural rhythms at play here. Recharge crystals in the moonlight. Burn sage or incense to clear the energies from your environment.
Last Quarter
The week following the full moon is when the energy is still strong and we have clarity, perhaps seeing our true purpose for the first time. We identify changes we wish to make. Sit with them as they form the foundation of the next cycle. A few days later the energy starts to reduce. We can best use this time to complete tasks already underway. A word of warning – if there is something that you are avoiding – expect the last quarter moon to deliver a mini-crisis that compels you to do that which is being avoided.
Dark of the Moon
Towards the end of the fourth week we are once again heading towards the new moon. This is a time of rest and reflection. It’s also when we start the 35 Day Detox Programme. Energy is low but we feel the call to make changes. This time is best spent clearing the decks in preparation for the new cycle. Finish what you can, tidy up your environment, and spend some time in contemplation.
Approximately twice a year we have Eclipse Season. These are like super-charged opportunities for change. The Eclipses generally come in pairs – solar (new moon) and lunar (full moon). So we have new beginnings and endings – think unexpected events, left field opportunities, sudden departures. These events happen very close (within days) to the actual Eclipse, or approximately one month later. By being aware of these celestial activities we have the opportunity to see the potential for change. Even if we aren’t aware (or don’t subscribe to this belief), we will feel it. This is the Universe’s way of fast-tracking your personal development.
To take it a bit further we can look to the Solar Astrology, checking the Sun Sign to see where the Eclipse is playing out for you personally. There is nothing random in the Universe, and Eclipses stay in the same area for approximately two years. This creates a series of changes in one part of your life – which may seem overwhelming – until it is over!
Rituals: Reduce your schedule in order to allow space to see and act on this new information. Avoid sugar, caffeine and other stimulants that create a disconnect between you body, mind and soul. Use the word “interesting” rather than labeling an event as good or bad. Often it is only in hindsight that we see the true potential of change.
Equinox and Solstice points
In the same way that we have a lunar cycle – we have the solar cycle (which we are actually more familiar with). This cycle makes up our four seasons of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter). The mid-point of each of these seasons are the most powerful – making these months the best for manifesting change in your life.
The four most powerful times are the Equinoxes of March and September, and the Solstices of June and December. The Equinoxes are the point where night and day are the same. Whereas Solstices are where the differences are largest, either night or day is at longest. Traditionally the Equinoxes are the time to detox. This prepares the body for the changes in temperatures and changes in eating habits. Moving to lighter/fresher foods in warmer months and sustaining/comforting foods in the colder months.
Interested in more information >> check out the video series here.