With endurance sports training in full flight I am committed to using Yoga to ease out the tension in my body as well as activate all the muscles on a daily basis. This is my current routine:
The Sun Salutation is the basic morning warm-up sequence to begin a yoga practice.
Stand steady, inhale and reach for the sky, exhale and Forward Fold, inhale and look forward to a Half Lift, exhale step back leading with the right leg to Plank, drop to a Low Plank, inhale and push through the hands to Updog, exhale and roll over the toes to Downdog, inhale and step forward leading with the right leg to Half lift, exhale Forward Fold, inhale reach tall again, exhale hands to side of the body.
Repeat leading with the left leg. This is one round, do between 3 – 8 rounds to warmup fully.
Forward Fold

- Fold from the hips with a flat back
- Engage core as you fold
- Bend knees until hamstrings warmup
- Look towards the knees

- Straighten legs as you come onto fingertips
- Lengthen through the spine
- Pull shoulders away from ears

- Drop hips so body (including head) is in one long line
- Push through heels to straighten legs
- Keep arms strong and chest wide
- Engage core muscles
Low Plank

- Elbows bend and stay close to the body
- Body stays strong in one long line
- Drop to knees if necessary

- Roll forward onto the tops of the feet
- Push through the hands to create lift
- Hips and knees come off the floor
- Shoulders over hands

- Hands shoulder width apart and feet hip width apart
- Push through hands to lengthen the spine
- Drop heels towards the floor
- Look towards the knees
- Use this as a resting position for up to 5 breaths
Here is an example video