After the Full Moon
Just like the air is clearer after a storm has passed, so too is our energy after the Full Moon.

The Full Moon marks the peak period of each lunar cycle. It’s our opportunity to release things that no longer serve us. And we all feel the cleansing effects as the energy and intensity releases a day or so afterwards.
Like we can see further after the rain has cleared, so to can we see further, and clearer, in the days that follow the full moon. This is a perfect time to dream a little about the life you would like. It’s not a time for action – but it can be a time for the vision board to be updated.
In many ways the timing of the newsletter tells all. Out with delivering the news of the intensity of doing the work on Self over the full moon – and in with dreaming about what 2018 may bring about. Sagittarius is all about fun, adventure, and leaps of faith.
All things in balance is the key, so after the tough work of Scorpio last month it’s time to lighten up a bit and seek joy (even within the turmoil). Yes personal development is important, and there is always opportunity for growth, but we can overdo it by too much inner work. Sometimes we just need to chill and let the external world catch up with us.
So on that note the Studio is now closed for 2017 and we are wrapping up the last 35 Day Detox program for the year. Time to enjoy some sun and laughter. Wishing everyone joy over the holidays. See you in 2018.
Funny my mind should immediately switch the “breathe” at the mention of the holiday season.
How we breathe is one of the major contributing factors to our stress levels. If we could just stop, take a few clearing breaths and let emotion dissipate before responding to any situation we would be all better off.
The shallow breathing disrupts the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide (by creating a build up of the latter), and this is what can lead to feelings of anxiety. So deep belly breaths will restore balance to the body, and return the mind to a calmer state.

Chilled Soup or Smoothie? Either way it’s perfect for summer. 2 Tomatoes, 1/2 Cucumber, 1 Courgette, 1/4 Red Pepper and 1/4 cup Coconut Water blitzed. Salt and Pepper to taste. Garnish with fresh Basil leaves. Chill in the fridge for an hour to let the flavours come together.
Time to get strong … who’s keen to join me in the new year with a fitness program? We have a guest PT onboard – email to join this free group.