Full Moon in Aries

Today’s full moon is interesting in that traditionally full moons are about endings – and a time for letting go. Yet Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and that’s all about new beginnings…
This week’s full moon marks the end of the changes we were called to make during the August solar eclipse. Maybe that’s what Aries is signalling – a beginning within the ending. Time to start walking the talk of the changes.
As always though during these next two weeks the priority is definitely on wrapping up the old so you can have a fresh start and not be dragged backwards to the old.
Personally I have been on a journey that feels a bit like the 40 days in the desert for it’s epiphanies, and transformational quality.
I was lucky enough to end the journey with some further yoga teacher training. Without a doubt the biggest take away from the week was the importance of the breath. So look out for a return of the “breathe and relax” classes.
Yay for the Online version of the 35 Day Detox Challenge
It’s coming up for two years now that these challenges have been run in Kapiti – and the transformations have been amazing. In fact it is hard to look back and recall how things used to be for many of us. Slow and steady has definitely created lasting change.

So now the printouts have all been reworked into online versions and the youtube channel is almost ready to roll.
There will be three opportunities for 2017. Start dates are: September 10th, October 8th and November 12th.
Investment is $59 for the five week program. For a limited time (2017) we will include a PDF version of the recipe book, featuring over healthy 100 recipes.
You can register on the website under the “shop” button.
It’s outside of my comfort-zone – but hey isn’t that where the magic happens. Look forward to meeting those that can join me.

As the weather is warming and the days are getting a bit longer it’s a perfect to time to get back into the garden. Time for a tidy-up and to prepare for the new season.
This, more than anything else I believe has been the key to healing my gut issues. Three years consistently taking it (though not every day) and I find now that I can eat gluten and dairy without the reactions of old.