New Moon in Gemini
As we approach tomorrow’s new moon the sky darkens. It can be a time when we lose hope or feel defeated. But a fresh wave of energy and opportunity is on it’s way. Best to stay hopefully and open to the possibility of change.

When we follow the western calendar we miss the opportunity to sync with the universal energy of the lunar cycle. The new moon is an ideal time to set your intentions for the coming 30 days.
Wait until June 1st and you have missed the best part of the wave.
It will work – just not as well. We’re making steady progress with the development of the 35 Day Detox web platform. Thank you so much for the feedback on the content so far. We promised some competitions and the first one starts now. Even better it gives you a chance to add your comments to the website! Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for the details.
Look out for more yoga content in the coming weeks.
This month’s Challenge is underway with two sessions being held each week in Kapiti now. We are very much looking forward to getting that content online and opening up the FB private support group and live weekly sessions as well.
Exciting and nervous times in equal measure for sure.

Homemade Milks
Whether it’s the cost, environmental impact, reducing additives, or freshness of the product – there is a good reason to consider making your own milks. Once you’re prepared with the ingredients it’s simply a matter of time and inclination.
Great examples include Almond, Rice, Oat, Coconut, Buckwheat, Cashew!

Competition Time
Between now and the Full Moon of June 10th, 2017 pop online to and download some of our favourite recipes. For each one tried and reviewed (honestly, flattery doesn’t get extra points) you will have a one chance, going into a draw to win a copy of the 35 Day Detox – Manifesting Change Book.
So, that’s true the more recipes reviewed the more chances you have!!

Upcoming events
Save the date: Sunday 10am – midday June 18th for a workshop in Kapiti devoted to pranayama (breathing techniques). Some to calm the mind, some to enliven the mind, and above all – exercises to balance mind and body.