Full Moon in Scorpio
Heads up for an emotional time as the full moon in Scorpio on May 11th, 2017 is likely to trigger thoughts and feelings we usually keep buried. Best strategy is a reduced schedule and make time in the day for reflection.
The Full Moon marks the half-way point of the lunar cycle. We pause at the top and consider the progress made in the past two weeks – and consider what more we want to achieve in the next fortnight. Here at 35 Day Detox we have been busy with the launch and content of the new website!
Some of our favourite recipes are now up online. The format is perfectly suited to print and save for ongoing use in the kitchen. More recipes are being added regularly, as well as some of the yoga basics.
RECIPE – Flaxseed Crackers

These crackers have been our favourite subject recently. With only 142 calories per serve they are a great alternative to bread. And with no flour, eggs, butter, sugar, or nuts they seriously tick boxes for those with food sensitivities. And that is without compromising on the desire for tasty food.
The challenge is on to produce a sweet version now. So far we are liking the sultana and ginger option, no doubt chocolate will feature soon enough.
The recipe can be found under “Cookies, Cakes and Treats”.
Workshop – Feng Shui for Beginners
The next workshop in Kapiti is Saturday May 27th 1pm – 3pm, and as we wrap up the month in Taurus (with it’s focus on beauty and the home) we will explore the basic principles of Feng Shui in a two hour workshop. We will cover topics such as energy flow, clutter, use of colour, and the Bagua Map. Spaces are limited to 12 people.