January 2020 Energy update

Suz Stokes

Suz Stokes

Founder of the 35 Day Detox.

January 2020 Energy update

January/Capricorn 2020 Forecast
Lunar Energies

And just like the energy changes.  All the build-up to Christmas – throw in a New Moon Solar Eclipse – and come out the other side in either a state of calm or feel like the rug has been pulled from beneath you.

The start of 2020 has more potency than ever before.  With every new cycle there is an opportunity to evolve.  It’s the classic “hero’s journey”, and it’s what we here at 35 Day Detox do best!

A new year and a new decade.  And every indication is that it will be a new generation too.  Our nature is to seek the familiar, so change can be uncomfortable.  Yet since change is a certainty, and things never return to the way they were (and generally we wouldn’t want them to),  the question then becomes how do we deal with it!

If you haven’t joined us yet for this transformational program – then maybe it’s time – check out the testimonials  – or email to find out more about working privately with us over the summer break.

Read the full newsletter here.


Suz Stokes

Suz Stokes

Founder of the 35 Day Detox.

Decoding the Digestive System via the Emotional Body

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Introducing the “YOGA how to do” series

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