Client Testimonials
Feedback from a 2020/2021 returning client:
I met Suz by chance and decided to follow my intuition and give 35 day detox a go. I found the program to be exactly what I needed at this point in time. Not to give anything away as some things you must experience for yourself. I would highly recommend reaching out to Suz if you are looking at taking your life to another level. Pete
Feedback from a 2020/2021 returning client:
Suz is such a wonderful & gentle guide. The 35 day detox has really helped me in so many more ways than I could have imagined. I feel tuned into the cycles of the moon, my own energy and how to keep shedding the weight and creating space for new in my life. I would recommend for sure. Jae
From the July 2021 program:
The 35 day detox helped me to re-think my day to day habits and discard a few of them that weren’t serving me. I really enjoyed the information received throughout the process and it was always clear as to the reasons for the changes we were making. I certainly recommend this for anyone that is struggling to find balance in their life. Steve
From the November 2018 program:
“Suz’s depth of knowledge shone through and she wasn’t scared to say if she didn’t know something.”
“A very experienced tutor, with a loving caring personality.”
“There was a lot of useful information that I was not aware of combined with encouragement.”
“I think the course exceeded my expectations. I wasn’t really sure what to expect and I think I partly expected it to be less sensible and useful than it was. It’s been really empowering.”
From a client who participated in the January/February 2018 program:
The 35 Day Detox has opened me to what the universe truly has to offer, if only you were to slow down long enough to pay attention and listen.
Suzanne has taught me the significance of letting go of unhealthy foods, emotions and habits. We need to declutter inside and out, both in the physical world around us and within ourselves, our own physical, emotional/mental, social and spiritual selves, to make space for the new possibilities in our lives.
The 35 Day Detox is about personal growth and transformation. I believe the journey you take is up to how vulnerable you will allow yourself to be. Trusting Suzanne and being open to learning has played a significant part in my life journey and I will be forever grateful.
And another client:
I did go into it with a bit of apprehension, but at the same time felt like I needed someone to just tell me what to do. I appreciated the structure of the weekly emails and little ideas, prompts, suggestions and allowing each person to be responsible for how we managed the week. It was nice to have some interaction and shares from Suz and the other participants too. It was encouraging. My big take out was, I am work in progress. It did bring up my Strong Will, Independent nature, my battle scars seem to open up and at times I felt rather exposed and raw. This probably doesn’t make much sense, but my issues around food, self harm are ongoing, but since the Detox I’ve been able to really start to get honest and a little braver in seeking wisdom around my childhood fears, which I thought were done, but alas healing continues too.
I’m one of those people who is very independent, stubborn is a common word i hear or strong willed, I prefer spirited though:-) I’ve had to be for most of my life, so this journey of the self, through the self, to the self is a real one. As I know it is for many. I do love that quote – ‘to he who thinks he knows everything knows nothing, and to he who knows nothing knows everything’. I like to think i know everything, but I actually accept i know nothing. I’m work in progress.
PS – This email on the New Moon I really enjoyed it. I’ve never been one for the Moon stuff, but there’s a shift in my old mind thinking and who knows what’s possible.
From a client who participated in the May/June 2017 program:
I recently have completed the 35 Day Detox with Suzanne in Kapiti. I went into the course wanting to lose some weight and gain some knowledge about healthy eating. I was surprised how much more I got out of this amazing course, Suzanne motivated me to look at my personal triggers and remove them with care, through this process I did manage to declutter my wardrobe, replant my Vegetable Garden, and redecorate my Son’s Room. I learned to plan my goals and connect it with the moon calendar. I highly recommend the 35 Day Detox course. She motivated me to do more and had always compassion and knowledge. I enjoyed her print outs so I always could read about Nutrition, Superfoods, and balanced eating. I did loose 5 kg in the 35 Days of the Detox and went off Sugar, Coffee, Alcohol and Dairy. I have learned to make better decisions for my self and gained some wonderful friends through the course. Corinne Waikanae
From a client who has returned to the program multiple time to help cope with some major life changes:
“I think you could say I have had a bit of stress 2015 grandchild died, major house fire and cycling accident where my head injury has meant I have not been able to work. 35 day detox I started to follow in 2015 and set my intention to be in touch and practice each day with my souls higher purpose. 18 months later looks like that is unfolding. I have found this program a gentle supportive process each month week to focus on my health and well-being.
Suzanne promotes yoga besides her nutrition advice/plan which has been key to reducing stress and helping me to heal myself. Self healing is so important in building confidence and promoting recovery. I highly recommend 35day detox as a positive gentle life style that’s achievable and within the budget Ps. Following the moons/astrology and learning and integrating feng shui also key elements !”
And another client:
“I took part in a previous 35 Day challenge run by Suzanne. She has a fantastic guiding non-judgemental way about her that makes you instantly at ease. As a group we instantly connected, especially with her as the centre point. From the outset she made it clear that any change was good, so the traditional pressure and intense goals of detoxes was removed and made it so much more enjoyable. Already I have noticed differences in how I approach more than just food, but life as a whole, my goals and where I want to be. I would recommend attending the course when you can. I especially found the link with the Yoga great. Tying back in the fact that it is a holistic approach.”
“I can totally recommend this. I’ve known Suzanne for 5 years now and started following her regime when we were both training for the Kapiti Women’s Triathlon. I looked fab and I felt fab. Then I got off track. Earlier this year I got back on track and I started the course correction with Suzanne, so far I’ve let go of 10 kilos in weight since May, and I’ve got my eating habits back where I like them. If you’d like to get yourself back on track, please take a look, her stuff and her level of support is the real deal.”
With dedication anything is possible – inspiring transformation – July – Sept 2018
Spiritual Bootcamp – I would actually like to call it ‘re-discover yourself’. Every session we start with a good chat about life and where you are at that moment followed by a yoga session. After you master the basic poses, you’ll be doing these at home too (yep homework twice a day!).
Meanwhile you start to realise that the wise and gentle chats that you’re having each session are actually seeds planted in your brain. During the twelve weeks of the bootcamp you keep thinking about those seeds…and they will germinate. You become a better, complete and loving person. I experienced it with great happiness.Suzanne will give you the tools you need to work on things yourself; in a very gently way at the appropriate times. She knows when you’re ready because she carefully monitors you and your progress. She absolutely amazed me with how perfectly she knows and feels where you are on your journey. An absolute gift!
I have found this a massive life changing programme – transformative – and it helped me re-discover myself. I didn’t think I would get to the personal level I am today and the journey for me won’t stop after finishing the bootcamp.
I’m eternally grateful to Suzanne and my wife for this bootcamp and the time I could spend on this as I really had hit rock bottom and doctors were unable to help me any further. However this programme from Suzanne gave me everything I needed and I’m back on my feet again!
I encourage anyone wanting to change bad habits, feeling a bit lost or ready to go on a spiritual journey to this bootcamp with Suzanne. It changed my life in a very positive way!
And regarding the Recipe book from others:
“Just read your book this evening and it looks amazing! You’re right, it doesn’t look at all what I looked at before. It was good to see those chapters with lots of interesting topics. And the recipes with pictures made me hungry on the couch :-)”
“Suzanne has a very natural approach with a realism often missing in the current ‘lifestyle’ genres. Transition to a healthier you starts here.”
“I have found 35 Day Detox to be a unique gentle approach to caring for yourself in a wholesome and holistic way. Using the cycle of the moon suddenly gives greater awareness to our surroundings and what to be grateful for. Having this approach easily accessible and discussed on Facebook adds a kindness within the community adding awareness of the support and encouragement on a daily level. Much appreciated :)”