One thing is for sure – change is the name of the game ๐Ÿ˜Š

Suz Stokes

Suz Stokes

Founder of the 35 Day Detox.

One thing is for sure – change is the name of the game ๐Ÿ˜Š

Yay it’s Soup Season

With the change of season comes a change of diet.  Our bodies take time to adjust – and soups are the perfect in-between option – helping us transition from Summer/light to Winter/heavy.

April/Aries 2019 Forecast

Lunar Energies

Friday’s new moon is in Aries (the first sign of the zodiac).  We say goodbye to all the super full moons and eclipses, pick up the pieces and get on with 2019.

It feels a real relief to not be writing of major astrological transits.  So then what to write about?

Well one of our other favourite subjects – FOOD.  Whether we start our personal development journey from a spiritual perspective, or with motivation for physical fitness, at some point our relationship with food will change.

Food for Healing

Have you considered eating to heal the body?  Many of us end up with food intolerances that work to produce an ever-increasing list of foods we can’t eat.  This makes life more and more stressful.  

Eat the Rainbow

If we can do some mental gymnastics and do a switch-a-roo there is a different perspective to consider.  How about choosing foods that will support our health goals. 

To some degree we already do this by choosing protein to repair muscle etc., but what about to heal the emotional body?  And no that is not the “block of chocolate” cure for disappointment!!

In many ways this is more powerful – we are looking at what we can have/enjoy rather than what we shouldn’t/can’t eat.  
There is a massive connection between the colour/shape/nutrition of certain foods and healing our energy centres (chakras).

Read more about this concept here.

Soup Season

OK, that was slightly off-topic – but we do have some great soup recipes on the website.

Online presence of 35 Day Detox

We continue to expand the online offerings into new platforms.  Hopefully giving you tools to explore  various health and wellness modalities.

And yes “success” with our first webinar – the topic was “How to read Lunar Energies to create inner calm”

The webinar is FREE and now up on YouTube here.

This month we also did the first FaceBook live – Suz and Monica were discussing “The Numerology of your PYN (Personal Year Number)”.

You can see the replay on FaceBook here.

Clearly it was a busy month!  And we look forward to delivering more in the coming months.

If you’re unsure how the 35 Day Detox will benefit – you can check out the updated description here.

I know sometimes we just have a burning question and want to talk someone straight away, that’s perfectly normal, please reply to this email as we are happy to listen, and support you. 
Now is always the best time to take action.

Feijoa Grape Granita

What to do with all those Feijoas in NZ at the moment?  Here’s a simple dairy-free option.

1 cup frozen Green Grapes (seedless)
1 cup frozen Feijoas (flesh only)
1 cup Coconut Cream
1 teaspoon freshly grated Ginger

Blitz frozen fruit in a food processor, scrape sides and then blend in the coconut cream and ginger.

Place in a shallow container and freeze for 2-3 hours.  Breakup with a fork and serve.  If leaving overnight in the freezer it will need to sit on the bench for a couple of hours before you need it (to thaw a little).

Serves 4.

We wish you well with the month ahead.  Be like the Ram (symbol of Aries), leading with the head to take personal action at this powerful new moon.

 If you have any questions about the content of this newsletter, or our products and services, please send us an email reply.  Thank you!

Suz Stokes

Suz Stokes

Founder of the 35 Day Detox.

Decoding the Digestive System via the Emotional Body

Eating the Rainbow to Heal Chakras

YOGA Plank Challenge

Introducing the “YOGA how to do” series

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Find us in Raumati, Wellington New Zealand

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Raumati South, New Zealand

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